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Samsung confirms it is developing a smart-hour

Samsung has confirmed that it is working to develop an hour to compete with the smart-hour Apple smart you are working on and is expected to be launched this year.

The vice principal for mobile business executive Lee Young Hee that the company was preparing to watch a long time ago, and added that it is preparing for future products and am definitely one of those products.

Hee did not provide any information about the expected date for the launch of Samsung Smart Watch for markets, and we expect to issue-hour Apple iOS the end of this year, after solving the problems of the speed of entry into force of the battery.

She had been rumors emerged last February for imaginative design for an hour and codenamed Altius few weeks after Apple revealed that there is a team of 100 people working on the smart time.


Diet Salad

The diet of salads is a type of diet that diet can reach up to 3 kilos in a week.
The diet of salads is ideal to do so over the summer because the combination of vegetables provides the body with a unique cooling sensation.
Furthermore, the diet of salads is very flexible because you can get to make many different combinations of food, which allows suit the taste of each person and each situation.
Another important advantage of the diet of salads, is that the vegetables contain large amounts of water which contributes to the hydration of the skin and they contain large amounts of vitamins that prevent cell oxidation and aging of the organism.
You can organize and combine the salad based on the tastes and needs of each individual.
Salad, Los Angeles.
* Two cups cabbage, cut into julienne finite.
* 10 olives.
* 2 cups chopped tart apples.
* 3 chopped lettuce leaves finite.
* 5 radishes.
* 4 tablespoons seasoning salt, vinegar and olive oil.
Salad, Refreshing.
* Cabbage cut into julienne finite.
* A cup of unsweetened pineapple chunks.
* Garnish with pineapple juice and curd.
Salad, French
* Lettuce finite cut.
* A small tomato chopped.
* 80 grams of cooked beans.
* Half chicken breast grilled without the skin and chopped into small pieces.
* 50 grams of soft cheese into pieces.
* One tablespoon of lemon juice.
* A boiled egg cut into pieces (only lighter).
* 2 or 3 black olives.
Salad, Red
* 150 grams of beetroot cut into pieces.
* 150 grams of boiled potatoes.
* 50 grams of chopped onion.
* 20 grams of oil.
* A boiled egg.
Orange Salad
* 100 grams of carrots into pieces.
* 100 grams of radicchio.
* A pinch of salt.
* Juice of one lemon.
* One tablespoon of olive oil.
These salads are some examples of the wide variety of food combinations through which you can make rich and healthy salads.

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Fiber Foods for Greater Loss Of Belly Fat

Increasing your daily intake of high fiber foods aids in overall weight loss, but studies have shown that those who eat more high fiber foods experience greater loss of belly fat than those who don’t. Try to include at least 24 grams of fiber each day.
To look and feel your very best, choose wisely from our healthy high fiber foods list and eat a high fiber diet of the healthiest fiber rich foods.

 Fresh & Dried Fruit  Serving Size Fiber (g)
 Apples with skin  1 medium 5.0
 Apricot  3 medium 1.0
 Apricots, dried  4 pieces 2.9
 Banana  1 medium 3.9
 Blueberries  1 cup 4.2
 Cantaloupe, cubes  1 cup 1.3
 Figs, dried  2 medium 3.7
 Grapefruit  1/2 medium 3.1
 Orange, navel  1 medium 3.4
 Peach  1 medium 2.0
 Peaches, dried  3 pieces 3.2
 Pear  1 medium 5.1
 Plum  1 medium 1.1
 Raisins  1.5 oz box 1.6
 Raspberries  1 cup 6.4
 Strawberries  1 cup 4.4

 Grains, Beans, Nuts & Seeds  Serving Size Fiber (g)
 Almonds  1 oz 4.2
 Black beans, cooked  1 cup 13.9
 Bran cereal  1 cup 19.9
 Bread, whole wheat  1 slice 2.0
 Brown rice, dry  1 cup 7.9
 Cashews  1 oz 1.0
 Flax seeds  3 Tbsp. 6.9
 Garbanzo beans, cooked  1 cup 5.8
 Kidney beans, cooked  1 cup 11.6
 Lentils, red cooked  1 cup 13.6
 Lima beans, cooked  1 cup 8.6
 Oats, rolled dry  1 cup 12.0
 Quinoa (seeds) dry  1/4 cup 6.2
 Quinoa, cooked  1 cup 8.4
 Pasta, whole wheat  1 cup 6.3
 Peanuts  1 oz 2.3
 Pistachio nuts  1 oz 3.1
 Pumpkin seeds  1/4 cup 4.1
 Soybeans, cooked  1 cup 8.6
 Sunflower seeds  1/4 cup 3.0
 Walnuts  1 oz 3.1

 Vegetables  Serving Size Fiber (g)
 Avocado (fruit)  1 medium 11.8
 Beets, cooked  1 cup 2.8
 Beet greens  1 cup 4.2
 Bok choy, cooked  1 cup 2.8
 Broccoli, cooked  1 cup 4.5
 Brussels sprouts, cooked  1 cup 3.6
 Cabbage, cooked  1 cup 4.2
 Carrot  1 medium 2.6
 Carrot, cooked  1 cup 5.2
 Cauliflower, cooked  1 cup 3.4
 Cole slaw  1 cup 4.0
 Collard greens, cooked  1 cup 2.6
 Corn, sweet  1 cup 4.6
 Green beans  1 cup 4.0
 Celery  1 stalk 1.1
 Kale, cooked  1 cup 7.2
 Onions, raw  1 cup 2.9
 Peas, cooked  1 cup 8.8
 Peppers, sweet  1 cup 2.6
 Pop corn, air-popped  3 cups 3.6
 Potato, baked w/ skin  1 medium 4.8
 Spinach, cooked  1 cup 4.3
 Summer squash, cooked  1 cup 2.5
 Sweet potato, cooked  1 medium 4.9
 Swiss chard, cooked  1 cup 3.7
 Tomato  1 medium 1.0
 Winter squash, cooked  1 cup 6.2
 Zucchini, cooked  1 cup 2.6

Weight Loss With Best High Protein Foods

What’s the difference between a high protein diet and high protein foods for weight loss?
High protein foods are important for building and maintaining muscle for healthy weight loss.
They also help you to stay full longer.
Plus, if you’re interested in the best protein sources of protein for weight loss, you probably also care about your appearance and how you’ll feel while losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight.
Protein is also necessary to make enzymes. And, besides muscle, it’s a very important component in your skin, bones, cartilage, blood and the building and repairing of tissue and every cell in your body.
So consider the fact that your hair, nails and hormones are mostly protein.
Choose the Best Protein for Weight Loss
Here’s your guide to the best protein for weight loss and optimum health.
  • Seafood: Some fish, like salmon, have important omega 3 oils. Other seafood, like lobster and sole are high protein with low fat.
  • Poultry: White meat turkey and chicken (without the skin) is low in fat, low in calories and one of the best protein sources. A 2-oz serving has 14 protein grams, 2 fat grams and only 70 calories.
  • Dairy: Low-fat dairy, like yogurt, skim milk and cottage cheese, are good protein sources for calcium. Eggs, although high in fat, are also an excellent, complete protein when used sparingly.
  • Beans: Legumes and beans are the best sources for vegetable protein. Plus they’re high in fiber, which helps you to feel full longer.
  • Nuts: An ounce of almonds offers 6 protein grams and healthy fatty acids. So use nuts sparingly to add protein and flavor.
  • Grains: Brown rice and whole grain breads, crackers and cereals, like oatmeal, provide some protein and lots of healthy fiber.
  • Meat: Although meat is a high protein food, red meat has been shown to increase the risk of inflammation and some cancers. So eat very lean meat only occasionally and avoid all processed meats.

You have to read that if you planning dieting

Everyone is searching for quick healthy diet tips, which can help him or her lose weight. Some have tried diet tips they know but still not able to get the result they want. There are important tips that one can follow to have great results of losing weight. The important tips include drinking plenty of water. Water helps in digestion of food and promotes smooth and clear skin. It has the ability to speed metabolism, which helps in losing weight. Water also prevents heart diseases and therefore it is a very important component of a healthy diet. Second tip is to eat more salad on a daily basis.
Third step of healthy diet tips is to have a colorful nutrition. The nutrition should have a mixture of things such as carrots, spinach, squash. These elements are full of vitamins and antioxidants minerals. Avoid processed foods for they lack nutrition instead, they have high fat saturation. Eat many fruits and vegetables without removing the out skin. The fourth tip is to maintain or come up with a food program. This helps in knowing which food one is suppose to take. For a while, avoid taking grains such as pasta and white rice. They are not nutritious. Take more brown rice, millet, spelt because they are nutritious. Sixth tip is to eat slowly for the brain to have time to respond.
Seventh tip is to chop vegetables and mix them with olive oil, garlic and salt. This will prevent them from going bad since they are stored in fridge for longer time. Other healthy diet tips may include treating your meals to enjoy them. For instance, you can take your breakfast in bed instead of multitasking doing something else. Take time to arrange everything and avoid stress. Strictly follow the tips and enjoy the better results of healthy diet

Tips for a healthy diet

Tips for a healthy diet: There is no doubt that our bodies become receive a tremendous amount of calories, fat and cholesterol, Most people tend to eat fat because the most important benefit of fat in the food they are given food taste good and make it soft ....
This is apart from the benefits of fat inside the body, such as its usefulness in helping the body absorb some vitamins and benefit from them, but it in turn causes the propagation of a lot of disadvantages, Cooking a good and healthy eating begin learning the proper diet and how to prepare healthy recipes. So now you'll get away from the fat and start eating a healthy diet to get used to the taste of another non-fat. Here are the following tips to achieve this kind of a healthy diet.
* Low-fat mayonnaise:

For making mayonnaise delicious low-fat Mix a teaspoon of mustard with a spoonful of sauce with low-fat milk.

* Maintain and meals:

Avoid missing meals. Eating increases the effectiveness of calorie-burning, while missing meals can cause adverse reaction, where the body stores calories for later use.

* Chopped vegetables:

Add the chopped vegetables to chicken, meat or chopped tuna, you will not feel them and will increase the vitamins healthy dish. For example, carrots, squash, sweet peppers. Use pita to make delicious sandwiches with the intake of power. Urban weekly menu and make sure that you تملكين all ingredients, buy only what you need.
Being positive, whenever I felt best direction Nevskn whenever weight loss was easier and faster.

* Recipes Appliances:

Learn-making and household recipes for delicious, low-fat, sugar and salt. Replace precious fat-free milk, as well as the types of healthy oils, or Ohoa meat and vegetables.
Drink a cup of warm water with a squeeze of lemon in the morning, to improve metabolism, prevent constipation, it is also beneficial for the skin.

And urban low-calorie snacks to meet the emergency bouts of hunger, such as biscuits, bran, skim milk, soy products.

* Reduce salt:
Cut down on salt in the food. And be careful of hidden salts in kneading powder, soy sauce, and baking powder. Make your choice pasta good to eat, you can set quickly, Tnaouliha with skim milk, or with vegetables.
Chili helps to speed up metabolism, no matter how mild.
Omelet can be made delicious eggs from egg whites only. Imagine the size of fat which Sttakchin

To reduce fat gravy, put ice cubes in Chinese, will adhere fat out, then Discard them.
Aamadga sugar-free gum, gum contribute to burning calories, and kill the need to eat.

Mobile phone Galxi as 4 FAQ TecTiles cards it supports TecTiles 2

Remember cards TecTiles?
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Well these cards are not compatible with Galxi as 4 AnandTech source said that Galxi as 4 carries new chip from a nearby magnetic communication long Mmijolha is compatible At present, Samsung confirmed Malk and is working to release a new version of a Scheduled cards over the next few weeks.

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