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10 iPad Mini Cases You Can't Pass Up

10 iPad Mini Cases You                                                                        Can't Pass Up



YouTube was founded in February 2005 and has become the go-to site for video on the web. One hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second.Google bought YouTube in 2006 and underwent a significant redesign in 2011. The revamped YouTube emphasized "channels" for content and rolled out a bevy of new features.
YouTube Updates Platform for Social Good Non-profits can now use YouTube to turn views into action with updates designed to help viral philanthropy.
YouTube CEO: The Future of Content Is Niche Channels Salar Kamangar explains how we're entering the "third wave of media." YouTube's goal is to help vewiers engage more easily with focused channels tailored to their interests.
Finally! YouTube Just Launched Its Own iPhone App Now that YouTube is no longer baked into iOS 6, but you can put it back with this app.
The Secret Ingredient for Job Recruitment [INFOGRAPHIC]YouTube could be the missing piece you need to help you round out your team.

Google Wants to Replace Your Passwords With Jewelry

  • As part of research into doing away with typed passwords, Google has built rings that not only adorn a finger but also can be used to log in to a computer or online account.
  • The search and ad company first revealed its plans to put an end to passwords in an academic paper published online in January. The effort focused on having people plug a small USB key that provides their credentials into a computer. The possibility of using special jewelry in a similar manner was mentioned in that paper.
  • At the RSA security conference in San Francisco last month, Mayank Upadhyay, a principal engineer at Google who specializes in security, became the first person at Google to speak in public about that research. He said that using personal hardware to log in would remove the dangers of people reusing passwords or writing them down. He also thought people would feel some familiarity with the approach. “Everyone is familiar with an ATM. What if you could use the same experience with a computer?”
  • Upadhyay said that Google’s trial was focused on a slim USB key that performs a cryptographic transaction with an online service to prove the key’s validity when it’s plugged into a computer. The key also has a contactless chip inside so that it can be used to log in via mobile devices.
  • Tokens like the ones Google is testing do not contain a static password that could be copied. The cryptographic key unique to the device is stored inside and is never transmitted. When the key is plugged in, it proves its validity by correctly responding to a mathematical challenge posed by the online service it is being used to log into, in a way that doesn’t produce any information that could be used to log in again.
  • Speaking after the session, Upadhyay said that the company also had a prototype ring that could take the place of a password token, although he didn’t give details on how it works. “Some people are not comfortable with a [USB] token,” he said.
  • Google is already talking with other companies to lay the groundwork for using the technology to access different services and websites. “It’s extremely early stages, and we’re trying to get more partners,” said Upadhyay. Talks have already started with the FIDO Alliance, a consortium that in February launched technology intended to enable new methods of secure log-in that rely less heavily on typed passwords.
  • SEE ALSO: PayPal, Lenovo Launch New Campaign to Kill the Password
  • “The other cool thing, which we’re really pushing for, is that it’s just built into the browser, so that you don’t have to bother installing middleware or anything else,” said Upadhyay. “We want to have the case where you could just go to your friend’s house and it just works.”
  • Google already offers a more secure log-in service called two-factor authentication, which involves a person entering a one-time code sent to their cell phone each time they log in. However, only an estimated 1 percent of Google’s users have adopted it, and Upadhyay says most people consider it too much effort to use.
  • Upadhyay didn’t say which company supplied the hardware at the core of the new trial, but the features he described are identical to a USB security key called the NEO made by Yubikey, a California company that launched in late 2012. Consumers can buy a NEO for $50, although companies buy them in bulk at lower prices.
  • Ring pictured is not related to Google's concept. Image courtesy of Flickr,Jeffrey Beall

Easy Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas

It's quite interesting to note that with all the medical advancements we have achieved in recent years we are still challenged with something as simple as living a fit lifestyle. In fact certain health issues which could be prevented by using simple healthy eating plans continue to become more and more prevalent. Many health and nutrition specialists believe that the answer to this is neither complicated nor high tech, a simple back to basics approach like the Paleo diet is recommended as a healthier alternative to our standard modern diet.
One of the most difficult obstacles when it comes to sticking with a particular diet like the Paleo or caveman diet is not having a specific plan about what kinds of food you can eat on a daily basis. Often we have heard or read about the guidelines but not specific recipes like paleo diet breakfast ideas or lunch and dinner meal recipes that are easy to prepare. Being able to cook meals in a simple and familiar manner better motivates a person to continue with the program.
Paleo Food Basics
Paleo meals can consist of foods which at one time were hunted and or gathered. Meat, eggs, fish, tree nuts, fruits, vegetables, berries and roots are staples. This gives us a wide variety of foods to choose from so sticking with the diet should not prove difficult with a bit of creativity. We only need avoid dairy, salt, sugar, legumes, grains, processed oils and potatoes. These foods were made available to humans after the start of the agricultural period. By then human bodies had already developed genetically into its best state with a paleo diet. As for drinks aside from water you may indulge in organic green tea or coconut water for variety. If you have a sweet tooth then coconut palm sugar or raw honey can be used to sweeten your drinks or recipes.
Paleo Diet Breakfast Ideas
It's not easy to think about what you can and cannot eat at 6 a.m. so having several paleo diet breakfast ideas ready and pinned on your refrigerator door will definitely keep you from going astray.
Monday - This is probably the day when we are bleary eyed the most and to top it off we need to get a move on because we're running late. If you are used to pouring cereal on these days then mixed nuts and berries with coconut milk is a quick breakfast option.
Tuesday - Today a more substantial meal is needed since you would be catching up on work you were too sleepy to do yesterday. An egg and tomato stir fry using 2 eggs, a tomato and a thinly sliced green onion cooked in a bit of cooking fat will hold you till lunch time.
Wednesday - Eggs with avocado and salsa is a delicious dish that will definitely wake you up. In ten minutes you can prepare and cook this dish. Beat 2 eggs and cook it in a non-stick pan over medium heat then add 1/4 an avocado sliced and some salsa to finish it off.
Thursday - Many people include a smoothie breakfast at least once a week so here is a simple recipe using coconut milk and your choice of berries or fruit. Pour a whole can of coconut milk into the blender and add your fruit or fruits of choice. Adding a spoonful of nut butter gives it a smooth aftertaste that mimics dairy and a couple of drops of vanilla extract will make it more flavorful. If a whole can of coconut milk is too rich for your taste then add some crushed ice to the smoothie and enjoy.
Friday - Banana almond pancakes are not only tasty but easy to make as well. In a bowl mash two bananas then add 1 egg and 1 tablespoon almond butter. In a non-stick pan add some coconut oil then cook the batter over medium heat. You can add walnuts or blueberries to the pancake before flipping and cooking the other side.
Saturday - An easy to make but filling Saturday breakfast is sautéed sweet potatoes. Just heat a pan and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Add grated sweet potatoes and cook till it softens then add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon.
 - If you had a late Saturday then you'll probably have brunch so a hearty steak and eggs breakfast is fitting. Season ½ lb sliced boneless beef steak with sea salt or black pepper. Place 1 teaspoon of coconut oil in a heated pan. Add a diced onion, 4 sliced mushrooms and the steak to the pan and sauté till lightly cooked. Put in a diced red pepper and spinach to the mix and finish cooking the steak. Top the steak with two fried eggs and share with a friend or partner.
Enjoy a week of Paleo diet breakfast ideas and you'll definitely come back for more.
For more information about easy paleo diet breakfast ideas and the Paleo Diet, please visit Mackenzie Jagger's website at Or, if you would like information about Mackenzie's Best Selling book "The Paleolithic Diet - What It Is and Why It Works" Click Here

Horsing Around With Our Food

After shocking headlines this week over leading supermarkets and other retailers discovering some of their British and Irish burgers were contaminated with horse meat; tests being carried out by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) analysing a range of beef products found traces of both horse and pig DNA in many of the 'beef' products. Tesco's group technical director Tim Smith has been in the news apologising for the distress and pledging to discover how the contamination could have taken place and to prevent it from happening in the future.
Response to the horse meat scare has resulted in comments that there are only two possible reasons for this contamination, from illegality or from gross negligence, neither comforting for the consumer or the retailers. The most shocking factor in this case is the scale and commodity of the items. Consumers put their faith in larger retailers expecting that they will have specialists who source the products as well as procedures in place to ensure product validity. With the outbreak of the scandal, it would appear this trust was misplaced and distrust of packaging and labelling has also naturally ensued.
Although one would hope it does not have to be said, food business owners should be reminded that knowing their supply food chain within their own business is of paramount importance. Products such as minced beef for example, can end up in a range of meals and indeed as burgers. Failing to check suppliers can results in a potential contamination which can occur right across a food establishment's menu.
Current trends are all on the 'keep it local' and 'buy British' and many regional producers do supply locally direct to restaurants and food outlets. On a small scale when buying direct from local producers, it is easier to keep tabs on your food supply chain. The problems arise when food manufactures expand to supply a larger demand or when retailer prices force changes in methods or standards of production. In these circumstances, problems in product quality control are much more likely to occur because food manufactures need to reduce their costs or source a greater supply. They therefore are restricted to choosing a supplier who can accommodate their budget or needs. In this instance, for many, the supplier that could cater to their situation was one of the suppliers importing meat, which was later discovered to come from horses.
Above all, the scandal has demonstrated that the public expect to know where their food is coming from and it is likely to be some time before UK consumers are reassured that a situation such as the current one, will not occur again. In the meantime, food manufacturers are going to have to make the effort to ensure that their suppliers are reliable and consistently deliver excellent product quality. A concerted effort to ensure quality control is undoubtedly the least expected by consumers.
Whatever the scale a food business runs on, it is essential that suppliers are checked and ideally business owners should contract or meet their producers to prove their products.
Paul Grantham is employed by Safer Food Handler, which has produced a basic UK food hygiene course. Safer Food Handler offers the UK's cheapest Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate that fully meets the UK legal requirements. For food handling businesses with 5+
employees needing training, there are bulk food hygiene course discounts.

Three Important Steps In Creating A Beverage Business

If you are considering starting your own beverage company then there are a number of things you need to know! You will of course have to develop a product, carry out market research, study the latest regulations and create a viable business plan. It is certainly not as easy as you might think, but with the help of these three top tips gathered from some of the world's leading beverage producers, you can can cut to the chase and get your business up and running with a minimum amount of trial and error. These three tips make up the formula for success that so many successful beverage businesses are based on.
Start At The End
This might seem very strange, but when you are getting your own beverage business off the ground, you do not want to start at the beginning - you want to start at the end! The end is of course the end consumer, the person who will be buying your product. The very first step is to ask yourself: 'Who is my ideal customer?' This will lead you to various other questions such as how much will they spend and how often will they buy my product? Once you have these answers you are able to work out how much profit the retailers will make and how much you can afford to spend on production. This is a key step in budgeting. Once you know who the customer is you will be better placed to design a product that suits them. For example, there is little point using cute cartoon branding if your end consumer is a business man!
Save Your Money
It is important not to spend too much money on production and promotion. Remember that budget from step one and try to come in under it. There is no point in throwing money at artwork, advertising and promotion. The real sales come from getting great retailers and distributors. Advertising comes later when you have established this. There is no point in a nationwide television campaign if no one actually stocks your products.
It is also important not to spend too much on production. So many people are tempted to produce more than they need in order to save money on bulk discounts, but what happens if you cannot sell that extra inventory? You make a loss. Beverages have an expiry date. Do not get caught out.
Do Not Rely On Distributors
Do not be fooled into thinking that once you have a distributor in a particular area you can
forget about it. The fat is, your distributor is not going to go out in search of new retailers for you. It is up to you to secure these retail opportunities and pass them back to the distributor. This is your product, your baby, so you need to be the one to champion it to retailers. Never leave it in someone else's hands.
If you're looking for qualified beverage development specialist or company to help you kick-start your beverage business, look no further than

Ice Safety in Bars and Restaurants

When you work in a restaurant or bar you'll regularly handle ice.
That's why its important for bartenders and restaurant staff to use proper ice safety. If you don't handle ice appropriately you could be putting your customers at risk. Unfortunately handling ice the right way and keeping it clean is often overlooked by bars and restaurants.
Most people might not think of ice as a food item. But the reality is that it needs to be treated with just as much care as any other kind of food your customers ingest. Ice can become contaminated with germs and bacteria just like other foods.
As a bartender or waitstaff the number one thing you should never do is use a glass to scoop ice from a bin.
There are a few reasons why you should never do this but the number one reason is that the glass can actually break.
If the glass ends up breaking in the ice bin then you'll have to deal with melting the ice down, and wiping the entire bin clean, making sure there are no pieces of ice hiding in the corners of the bin. This can be very time consuming and would be a great hassle if the restaurant were busy.
Despite how bad that would be that's still not the main reason you should never use a glass as a scoop.
The worse thing that could happen is if the glass your scooping with chips leaving a small piece of glass within the ice. Its very easy for you to not notice this and continue on about your day.
The real problem arises when you go to scoop another glass of ice and that small piece of glass ends up in someones drink. It doesn't take a doctor to determine that swallowing a piece of glass is not good for your health. That's not even considering the potential lawsuit your restaurant or bar could have.
This can all be avoided simply use a proper ice scoop.
Here is another pro tip mostly concerning bartenders. If you end up breaking a glass on the counter above or around an ice bin its best to assume the bin is contaminated with glass.
We've all dropped a glass on the kitchen floor at some point. So you know how far glass can travel when shattered. If you have any doubt in your mind that glass got into the ice, do the responsible thing and clean the bin out.
It's important to also treat ice like other forms of food. Most ice scoops have a knuckle guard that helps to keep your hand away from the ice. As a waiter or bartender your hands are dirty from handling money, touching plates, and other surfaces. Therefore you should never handle ice with your bare hands.
Follow these few tips and you'll increase the safety of your guests. Remember don't be lazy. If the ice bin needs to be melted down then do it. When in doubt, always clean the bin.
Finally, if you want more information on ice safety or bartending check out

Revolutionize Your Life With Pizza Peel And Pizza Pan

You will find yourself in a predicament if you know little about the cooking then you will not be able to prepare a pizza peel and pizza pan. Knowing how to prepare a pizza will definitely be even more enjoyable if you know what you are doing. Good recipes for pizza will always be sought after, but those who want these recipes would prefer to make use of pizza peels and pans that are substantial in size. If you don't have any idea what pizza pans and peels are, your jaunt into cooking or preparing the perfect pizza would be futile. Many people want their pizza slices to be thin and flexible. You can achieve this if you know your pan and its features.
The flexibility of the pizza dough is mostly assured with the use of the proper pizza peels and pizza pan. What many people fail to see is that if you want high quality for your dough, then you should make use of tools that are also of high quality, such as a pan. Metals, such as steel, are the preferred material for pizza pans, mostly because of the amount of insulation they can provide, aiding the cooking of the best quality dough. The dough should not stick to the pan, which makes it even more necessary that it should have non-stick features.
The cooking time of pizza will be considerably cut down if you take your pick of the best pizza peels and pizza pans among the various types that are currently being sold in the market today. There are variations which ranges from solid and perforated pans. The cooking time will largely depend on how thick you want the pizza to be, and this has a lot to do with your choice of pizza pan or pizza peel. The thick pan usually takes more time in cooking the pizza rather than thin pizza peel and pizza pan. If you are really, really running out of time and want your pizza to be cooked, like, yesterday, then perforated pizza pans are your best choices. However, you have to be know that not all perforated pans are as quick as you want them to be,. The speed will also be greatly affected by the size of the holes.
Larger holes would significantly speed up the process of cooking. Even the color of the pan has a significance. You will be able to cook the pizza faster if you use the dark-colored ones. Cooking pizza need not be likened to rocket science. Just make sure you have the basics down pat and you have the tools to use. It would be a good idea if you try new dishes and be more experimental in the kitchen. Pizza peels and pizza pans must be chosen wisely. If you do not get the right ones, you might as well kiss your dreams of the "perfect and yummiest pizza" goodbye.
To ensure that you have a painless time for cooking, and that you get the results you want, it would be best if you resolve your issues with pizza pans and peels first. You want to serve the best tasting and thin crust pizzas to your family and friends; therefore, make sure to choose the best pizza peel and pizza pan. Pizza quality starts with the quality of the dough, and the only way to get high quality dough is to use equally high quality peels and pans.
RedStone is considered the leading web based supplier of catering supplies for more details visit Within just a brief period of time, a solid distribution platform has been developed and numerous satisfied consumers rely on us to deliver in the UK.

Buying Fish Fresh and Storing It

Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, 'Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish -too much handling will spoil it.' This means that when cooking fish, sometimes, you have to leave it alone. Too much tossing and turning can indeed damage it.
Eating fish is good for everyone, except, of course, those who may be allergic to certain species. Still, including fish on your regular diet is healthy. The fats in these wiggly creatures, especially the fatty varieties like salmon and tuna, are believed to help prevent heart diseases. Some say it can even keep diseases like Alzheimer's at bay.
There are tons of fish recipes you can find out there. However, you have to make sure you get it fresh. How do you know it's fresh? Well, the first step is to look at it. You can easily tell if it has just come out of the water a few hours ago if it has bright eyes and firm flesh. Once you're done looking, you have to smell it. Of course, you don't have to go through this step if you abhor the smell of fish. However, if you're up to it, have a quick sniff of the fish. It should smell sweet and make you feel like you're standing on the beach. If you smell something very 'fishy' or strong, shun it and look for something else.
Certainly, there could be days when you won't have the time to buy fish and cook it on the same day. You may only have time for one or the other. To keep the fish you've bought fresh until the time you decide to cook it, put in the freezer of your fridge. However, make sure it doesn't sit there for more than two days. If you only have time to buy your fish on the first day of the week and plan to cook it over the weekend, be sure to wrap it with freezer paper so it doesn't spoil fast.
Before cooking fish that has been stored in the freezer, make certain that it's thawed first by putting it under running water or dipping it in tap water for a few minutes. If you have a microwave oven, you can also stick it there to defrost it. Make sure you cook the fish immediately once it's thawed.
Following these tips will help ensure that the fish dish you'll cook will not give out strange flavors and aromas or worse, cause stomachs to be upset.
If you're planning to cook using fish as the main ingredient, you can search for fish recipe hereFoodPlus TV is where you'll find tons of recipes that are healthy and simple to do.

A Test For Water Is Important

For badly polluted water, such as raw sewage, there are very obvious signs that the water is polluted. There is a foul odor and dirty or cloudy appearance. There may be oils, solids, or even foam floating on the water. It may smell rotten or like industrial chemical. There can even be dead fishing floating on a lake's surface indicating that there is clearly something wrong with the water. However, when it comes to your drinking water, the pollutants are not going to be as obvious.
To find out what really lives in your drinking water, a test for water is necessary. There is a variety of water analysis methods you can use. The most important thing is to make sure that you can depend and trust the results you are getting from the lab. There really is not going to be any case where you are being 'too safe' when it comes to the purity and quality of your drinking water. Since you drink so much water every day to keep your body and brain healthy, it is definitely worth having it tested. After all, you need to ensure that it is indeed safe to drink, bathe in, and cook with. There are many situations where the runoff sewage plant discharge does not affect the town's water, but does run off to affect and pollute the neighboring town's water supply.
When examining water analysis methods, you need to consider two things. What organisms or substances need to be tested for and why? What equipment and procedures are needed for testing your water in your area, and how do they work? Well, for the first point, there are many factors determining what should be tested for in your drinking water, including the location of your property. Has there been recent construction work performed anywhere around your home, land, or county? The main problem with this question is that most people are unaware of industrial projects, business ventures, or other construction work that may be going on around their town or home.
A professional in your area that specializes in water analysis methods will be able to specifically determine each test for water that should be done for your drinking water. He or she will have the knowledge and expertise to know what pollutants the area has already been dealing with, plus any environmental changes that have taken place potentially contaminating your water. The professional will typically run a test on site, and then perform additional water collections to send into a reputable, independent lab that will analyze your water. When you are provided with the results, you are given information on any dangers that were found in your water, so you know exactly what steps to take to purify your water.
Aqua Know is a trusted and affordable Water Quality Testing Kits service.You can trust their

Water Analysis Methods. Once you have had a water sample taken, their laboratories will interpret those results for you. Contact them at 877-734-7661 to consult with one of their representatives.
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7 Bathroom Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Once the preserve of professional plumbers and decorators, bathroom plumbing and decorating is now widely attempted by many DIY enthusiasts - especially in London, where DIY shops are plentiful and cowboy plumbers are commonplace. If you're doing a spot of bathroom DIY, make sure you avoid these common mistakes:
Bathroom Tiling
Tiles are the most obvious part of your new bathroom as they cover the most surface area in the room.
1. Make sure the colour of the tiles is warm, but not dark. The last thing you want in a cold bathroom is cold-coloured tiles (such as bright white or aquamarine). At the same time, don't go for dark brown or navy tiles, as this will make the room seem dingy - and watermarks tend to show up more clearly. Depending on your taste, you could try light, earthy colours like terracotta and beige; this will at least make your bathroom look warmer in the frosty winter months.
2. The quality of tiles can make or break a bathroom. Colours aside, make sure the tiles you get are fully waterproof; and just because the tile is polished, that doesn't make it's fully waterproof (porcelain is 99.5% waterproof, and marble less so). Also, floor tiles which have been filled and polished may look good new (and be economically priced), but they won't look so good in a year or two after the filler has worn away to leave holes.
3. Great tiles require quality workmanship. If you're laying tiles yourself, make sure you know how to lay tiles flat (especially floor tiles), as wonky tiles have a tendency to crack after they've been set - and even the most minor crack can lead to leakage. Always ensure that the surface for tiling is sound and clean. Do not tile over wallpaper, flaking paint, unsound or dirty surfaces. Make sure you use the right kind of grout; use unsanded grout for tile spaces more than 1/8th inch as sanded grout can shrink in big gaps and cause leaks - especially on shower tiles. Also, ensure you seal the shower tray or bath with silicone - but fill the bath with water before you seal it, otherwise a full bath will stretch the sealant which leads to leakages.
Bathroom Plumbing
Bathroom plumbing is the most specialist task in any bathroom refurbishment project. Before attempting any DIY plumbing work, make sure you turn off the water at the mains or the valve supplying the outlet, and bear the following plumbing tips in mind. If you are unsure, call a professional London plumber for help!
4. Don't plan for too many fixtures if there isn't adequate pressure; plumbing in London is often affected by crowded residential properties - which can result in low water-mains pressure. And there's nothing more annoying in a bathroom shower than weak pressure! Either use fewer fixtures in the bathroom (consider ditching the bidet and dual shower head) or route the pipes more directly from the boiler.
5. Don't join mismatched pipes. Make sure the diameter of two joined pipes is exactly the same - and that the diameter meets regulations in your area. Another common DIY bathroom plumbing mistake is attaching copper pipe to galvanised pipe. This is a recipe for disaster; the copper pipe will quickly corrode and cause a leak. To join mismatched pipes together, remember to use the correct fitting between the two. Finally, remember to use plumber's tape (aka Teflon tape) on threads. It's an easy way to make sure the pipes don't start to slowly leak over time - the biggest annoyance in bathroom plumbing.
Bathroom furniture and units
6. Wooden units look nice in a catalogue but some aren't great in practice. No matter how good the quality of the wood used in a cabinet or vanity unit, it will soak up water in the air and swell until it distorts out of shape, possibly falling apart. It is best to choose a unit that is
7. Think about the layout of units - not only in regards to the plumbing, but also the practicality of placement. If possible, don't put the toilet directly next to the shower or bath (clean and dirty should be separate) and don't put the toilet near the door (it can make those who use it feel self-conscious).
Bathroom plumbing is considered by many to be the most difficult of all home DIY projects - so don't feel bad if you don't complete your bathroom plumbing project hiccup-free; even experienced practitioners of DIY call in the professionals if they're not comfortable with a particular aspect of bathroom plumbing.
Aspect Maintenance is a specialist London plumber offering a variety of property maintenance services.

10 Bathroom Waterproofing Mistakes To Avoid

I have seen countless cases of bad bathroom waterproofing, causing very costly waterproofing repairs and disruption to home owners. This problem is more common than people think, even in relatively new buildings as well as in existing homes when bathroom remodeling is being carried out. Bathroom waterproofing repair can mean major work because tiles, fixtures, floor tile bedding and so on need to come out for the waterproofing to be redone, not to mention restoring everything to its original state. Based on my personal experience, I've compiled a list of 10 important mistakes and reasons why bathroom waterproofing fails that you should take seriously.
The following general and specific mistakes come to mind, when looking back at so many of my bathroom waterproofing jobs, carried out over the years. Many home owners give little importance to bathroom waterproofing, especially shower cubicles during a bathroom remodeling process.
1. Attempting to do the waterproofing job yourself, yet having no experience and not following the waterproofing material data sheet and application instructions.
2. Giving the job to an unlicensed and unqualified person and not requesting warranties for the job in writing.
3. Floor and wall surfaces which can be concrete, wood chipboard paneling or cement fibre boards, not prepared and primed adequately before applying the waterproofing membrane material.
4. Not leaving the waterproofing membrane material enough time to dry before applying cement and sand bedding or gluing tiles to it.
5. Inadequate sealing of floor to wall and wall to wall corner details, where there is a lot of movement due to temperature changes which is particularly a problem with cement fibre sheeted walls on timber framing.
6. Not having the membrane turned up under the bathroom door area with an aluminum or brass angle fixed into the floor first.. This is a very common mistake and easily avoidable.
7. Inadequate sealing around pipe and tap wall penetrations in shower cubicles and bathtubs, usually because the plumber had no attention to detail or used the wrong sealant, resulting in water leaking into the wall.. In some instances the repair is not so extensive or difficult, but will still cost money.
8. Although not directly related to waterproofing, the tiler using the wrong type of glue for wall tiles, because the walls were waterproofed with a polyurethane based waterproof membrane for example while the glue used is acrylic based.
9. The plumber should conduct a water pressure test on the water pipes, by leaving the pipes under water pressure for 24 hours and do a visual inspection for any water leaks before the walls are sheeted to ensure that that are no pinholes in the system where water can slowly drip and find its way under the bathroom floor and surrounding areas. In some of the waterproofing rectification jobs I had a contract to do, the culprit for the water leaks from under the bathroom floor turned out to be a small leak in the water pipe in the wall which kept dripping ever so slowly and saturating the area around it.
10. Lastly, if you are going to do the bathroom waterproofing yourself, you must read the manufacturers data sheet for the material, or the instructions on the side of the can, bucket, tube of sealant or other packaging that that waterproofing materials come in. If I were to use a product that I haven't used before, even though it is chemically the same type of material I would still read the manufacturers instructions on application, priming and other info because there might be something I don't know. Read the application and other manufacturers instructions carefully and take the time to do the job thoroughly.
Please take the bathroom waterproofing seriously and don't try to save money on this important part of the remodeling work in your bathroom.. I hope that this article was helpful to you so that you avoid the bathroom waterproofing mistakes listed above.
Vladimir Mesic has 30 years of civil engineering and trades experience and is qualified to give you home repair and remodeling advice. His knowledge puts him in a unique position to help you with authentic and quality advice. To get more home repair and remodeling tips go to ==>>

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The Power of Bulk SMS Marketing

Bulk SMS is not just another marketing fad in the business arena. It's a marketing method that allows you to implement time-honoured marketing principles. You're about to discover why you should start taking advantage of bulk SMS in your marketing campaigns as soon as possible.
1. It helps you to easily command the attention of your audience
When you send bulk SMS and it is received by your target audience, their phone will ring. And only very few people can stand the sound of a ringing phone without the strong urge and curiousity to check it out. What that means is that you're certain to grab the attention of your audience. As a marketer or a communicator, isn't attention you spend thousands on adverts to get?
2. It delivers your most important briefly and concisely.
According to research, the average person is hit with about 6,000 advertising message every day. That means in a month, you and I are bombarded with about 180,000 advertising messages.
If people were to pay full attention to all adverts, they will all lose their sanity, so people have found a potent way to cope: by checking out ads for 3 seconds or less, then ignoring them if they are irrelevant to their cause.
But guess what? People will read your complete SMS because it is brief.
3. It is highly responsive - According to a popular statistics, 20% of people respond to SMS. In my own marketing tests, over 30% of people I market to via bulk SMS respond.
4. It enables you to personalize your message - If you've been in the field of marketing for long, you'll know that personalized marketing outdoes mass marketing each and every time. With bulk SMS, you can market to your prospects on a personal level. All you need is their names and phone numbers.
5. It enables you to reach your customer no matter where he is - Regardless of where your prospects are located on the face of the earth, they will get your message the instant you send it. They don't need to go online before they see it, they don't need power supply to power their TV to get it. That means you can expect immediate response and plan along that line.
Now, sure enough, bulk SMS is not the best marketing method in the world - no one marketing method is. But if you want to get astonishing results in your marketing campaigns, you had better take advantage of it. Or at least experiment with it. After all, it is the least costly marketing method of all.
Edwin J. Akpan is the author of the ebook: The Phenomenal Power of Bulk SMS and he's the founder of Nigeria's most friendly bulk SMS

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Uses of SMS for Crisis Management

Business systems rely on fast and effective communications, so that users and administrators and engineers can react swiftly to any potential breaches or failures in the system.
Business SMS solutions in general, offer a hassle free way to contact specific staff members within minutes. Bulk SMS services specifically, enable the broadcasting of messages to entire workforces. SMS technology then perfectly lends itself to this sector reliably delivering regardless of what day it is or what time, something that is essential for crisis situations.
SMS system alerts, alarm notifications and using SMS for incident management can be relevant to a range of different crisis situations.
System Alerts
Businesses using extensive security systems to protect their assets find that the reach and responsiveness elicited by SMS, means that critical information filters out rapidly across the business. For instance, SMS messages can be used to notify technical staff of anything from a server or website failure to a security device going down. In such a case, an automatic alert can be sent out so that repairs can be made as quickly as possible. Using such an instantaneous form of communication minimises disruption to the business and could mean that everything is up and running again in a matter of minutes. It also ensures that a security issue that potentially leaves the business at risk is only a problem for a minute amount of time. SMS could also be used to provide instant notifications about staff accessing sensitive areas in the building thereby helping to improve monitoring efforts and prevent potential breaches.
Alarm Notifications
Large businesses will often have a number of alarm protected areas. It is because of this that it is not always initially clear from an aural alert alone where an intruder may have entered the premises or where an alarm is malfunctioning. Using SMS messages to notify key holders of such security breaches can ensure the problem is instantly identified and facilitate a speedy resolution. Again, this minimises disruption to the business and increases the likelihood that the person best suited to deal with the issue is notified. Furthermore, a text to all key holders offers a much higher level of security as it offers a guarantee that whoever is closest to the compromised site has been informed and can investigate the scene in a timely manner.
Incident Management
An unanticipated incident is never conducive to business efficiency so it is essential that it is handled competently and quickly. Communicating critical information via SMS can ensure that personnel best suited to the job are informed of the matter and can see to it without wasting time. It is also possible to text back so everyone remains clear of the status of the incident and any progress made solving in it.
In Summary, SMS offers a complete communications package for a sector that relies on

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Why Use Free SMS Websites?

It may be worthwhile to consider how mankind developed in communicating from a distance. Our ancestors used communications which were slow and some parts of the world had very fewer medium that could be used. A letter on paper had to be carried by another human being to the distance location. Obviously it went slow and reached the receiver days and weeks later. After the invention of the geostationary satellite the telephone gained the momentum but compared to today's technology that also can be categorized as a slow device.
Now comes the cell phone to cell phone text messaging which is much more faster compared to the aforementioned devices.
Then one would think of the computer to cell phone SMS messaging which is done using a website.
Let's compare the two methods.
Cell phone to cell phone text messaging is an easy to carry and very reachable of course. More teenagers and young adults are known to replay to SMS very fast compare to more traditional calls. Parents are know to get instant response from kids via SMS than from calls. Length of the message and contents will be limited due to the nature of the equipment.
The other disadvantage is the financial limitation. Most providers have restrictions as to the time of messaging in order to avoid high traffic hours. Also they will provide promotional packages to draw customers and then will cut down on the capabilities in order to maximize profits.
Considering computer to cell phone text messaging these disadvantages are basically can over come.
Computer screen is much larger and the message created on that could be descriptive and well organized compared to a message created on a cell phone screen.
Because the medium of communication is the internet, traffic problem does not even arise. Providers cannot control the use of the internet once you have obtained a service.
The major advantage is the bulk mail capability where message can be recorded and can be set to disseminate at a later time. The recipients can be thousands or even millions in

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What to Watch for on Your Business Phone Bill

The telecommunications industry seems to have its own language. There is so much jargon and so many acronyms you practically need a degree to understand a phone bill. With technology evolving at a rapid pace, it's only going to get harder to decipher, which seems to work to the carrier's advantage. You are less likely to question something that is foreign to you. Whether running a small business or managing an enterprise, here are a few basic, yet extremely common items to watch out for on your local phone bills:
  • LEC billed long distance charges - You may have negotiated incredible rates with your carrier for your long distance calling, but if your local exchange carrier (LEC) is not using the correct PIC (Primary Interexchange Carrier) code, you won't be getting those rates. Watch local bills for long distance charges. The local carrier should be informed of all PIC changes so they can route calls correctly.

  • Cramming (placing unauthorized services on a phone bill) - Charges may show at the end of your local phone bill that appear legit, but what exactly are they? It could be a charge for identity theft protection, an email service, or credit repair. Do you remember signing up for these services? These cramming companies use sneaky ways to get you to unknowingly sign up, and you could be paying for them for months (even years!) before they catch your attention. Your mobile phone is especially susceptible, as one inadvertent click is all it takes. There are laws to crack down on these practices, but they only go so far. Always scan your bill for any additional charges other than the actual service provided. If you are unsure about something, call the carrier and ask; it's your money!

  • Minimum Usage / Shortfall Charge - Most contracts require that you meet a certain dollar or usage commitment each month / year, or receive a penalty. If your company has a calling plan like this, monitor to ensure you are meeting that minimum, as the penalties can add up. It may be time to take another look at your contract and ensure all eligible services are participating or renegotiate a lower monthly minimum.

  • Inside Wire Maintenance / WirePro - Many carriers charge a monthly insurance fee to cover any phone wiring that is inside the business walls. A carrier will repair the wiring

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The Successful Communicator

Most people think they are communicating, when in actuality, they are not getting their message across. Yes, they are sending messages; however, much is lost within the communication process, which comprises more than 90% of the message being sent!
The receiver may be thinking what the right answer would be for your question; they may be thinking about something that just happened that they cannot get of their heads, or their feelings and emotions are being compromised from hearing the communication.
By the time your message is sent and the time your message is received, a lot happens with your message. The person hears the message and decodes it, giving their interpretation to it.
In business and in relationships, we want a message to be heard and effective if we are to proceed with a good communication between two parties. Through this book,, The Communication Handbook, my hope is that you obtain the necessary knowledge to use language correctly and to know the many variances of the language process.
Everywhere we go, there seems to be signals of some kind. There are signs, logos, labels, photographs, newspapers mobile devices and computer screens. The signs are so common that we get used to them and instinctively know what they mean. These signals have become important to our way of life.
People interpret what they want to interpret. They hear what they choose.
In the book, Words That Work, Frank L. Luntz says,
"It's not what you say, and it's what people hear." He goes on to say "You can have the best message in the world, but the person on the receiving end will always understand it through the prism of his or her own emotions preconceptions, prejudices and preexisting beliefs."
In today's world of social networking, texting, tweets and Facebook posts, along with electronic forms of communication words can easily be misunderstood and misinterpreted.
People want immediate gratification when they send a message. When people used to write letters, (what a concept!) they had to wait for a response. Today, you reach contacts, worldwide, in seconds. We are in an era with "real time.") Businesses now send messages via office email quickly and efficiently.
In the book, Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, he said that
"We. now have the opportunity to go beyond stated expectations and explore specific interests. Since sending and receiving messages immediately is so beneficial, we seem to have lost the ability to use more archaic forms of communication. No longer do your children call every week; they text. Everything has moved in a direction of I need information right now. It concerns me we are losing the opportunity to communicate in-person or over a landline, in lieu of technological advances."
The majority of the population is born with an ability to hear, but not necessarily, to listen. There are several reasons people do not or cannot listen or remember. These range from physical conditions to cultural beliefs.
During one of the classes, required to get my Ph.D., an instructor gave his view on the word 'understand.' In his words, "The word 'understand' is just a clever reversal of 'stand under' and has been suggested to mean just that: to stand under." If you 'stand under' someone and look up to them you will better understand what they are going through and why your communication may not be getting across.
Edward R. Murrow said,
"Communication' is the process of exchanging information and ideas. An active process, it

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